Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Market Lamb Show

Today, (July 27, 2010) George and I showed in the Market Lamb Show. George didn’t place. It was a big class, and the judge seemed to be looking for lambs that had a lot of Hampshire qualities and George is exhibiting a lot of Suffolk features. He was the tallest one in our class. The judge said that he liked George’s loin and side cuts. I was kind of bummed, but you never know what a judge is going to prefer in a lamb and I still get to participate in the Junior Livestock Auction on Saturday. Thursday, I will be showing in Sheep Showmanship where the judge will be looking for my showmanship abilities.

1 comment:

  1. We are so proud of you William. George has had a great owner. Even if the judge didn't pick you and George as winners we know differently. Best of luck at the sale on Saturday. Don't wear those flag pants or goofy straw hat.
