Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Templeton 4-H Sheep Group Fundraiser

The Templeton 4-H Sheep Group is having a Scentsy fundraiser. 20% of all purchases made through the following link will be donated to the group. https://jaccim.scentsy.us/Buy?partyId=2601124 Thanks for looking. Fundraiser ends June 10th 2010.


Last year my mom and I made a transportation cage for my last lamb. It fit in the truck bed of my mom’s Ford F150 Super Crew Short bed. We made it out of galvanized threaded steel piping, and it is collapsible. We attached hog wire to the rectangular frame we built out of piping. The expense of the project was totaled about seventy dollars.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sheep Meeting

Friday night was the first meeting where you are supposed to bring your lamb. When I showed up for the meeting most people were shocked at the size of my lamb and asked how old my lamb was. I told them that my lamb was born on January 28, 2010 which is approximately the same age as everyone else’s lamb. We then had to take our 60 day pictures which included photographs of our lambs front, side and rear view. These pictures are submitted along with our fair entries. We wormed our lambs, weighed them (George weighed 103 pounds), filled out paper for the fair, and got packets for our next fundraiser.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

4-H Emblem, Pledge and Creed

The 4-H Emblem:
The 4-H Emblem is a four-leaf clover with the letter "H" in each leaf. The four H's stand for head, heart, hands, and health. The leaves of the clover are green and the H's are white.

The 4-H Pledge Says:
I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world.

The 4-H Creed Says:
I believe in 4-H work for the opportunity it gives me to become a useful citizen. I believe in the training of my head for the power it will give me to think, plan, and reason. I believe in the training of my hands for the ability it will give me to become helpful, useful, and skillful. I believe in the training of my health for the strength it will give me to enjoy life, to resist disease, and to work efficiently. I believe in my country, my state, and my community, and in my responsibilities for their development. In all these things I believe, and I am willing to dedicate my efforts to their fulfillment.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Halter breaking your lamb is one of the first things you do after you bring it home. A halter broke lamb is eaisier to lead and can be tied for cleaning, examinations, and exercising.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Emergency Sheep Meeting

Last night we had an emergency sheep meeting to sign everyone up for Field Day in June. Field Day is a mock competition where we practice showing our lambs just like we would at the fair. Real competition judges are there and judge and place everyone's lambs. I'll keep you updated.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lamb Exercise

I try to walk George once a day. Walking builds muscle, relieves stress and boredom, and allows us to bond. Working with George on a daily basis is calming for him and prepares him for showmanship.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lamb Feed

Based on the breeders recommendation, I supplement the alfalfa I give George with Showtime Lamb Feed. It is a complete coarse textured feed that contains 17% protein and ammonium chloride for prevention of urinary ualculi. Not only is it good for him but George loves it. Showtime Lamb Feed is available locally at Santa Margarita Feed & Farm Supply.

Monday, May 3, 2010


My name is William Lorz and this is my fourth year in the Templeton 4-H Group. I spent two years showing chickens as a primary member and this will be my second year showing lambs. My lamb that I purchased on April 1st is named George. He is a male Hampshire/Suffolk cross breed. He was born January 28, 2010 on the Casey Sheep Ranch. The day I purchased him he weighed 70 lbs. His ear tag number is 1004. I was attracted to him because he was long loined, tall, and muscular. I paid more for him than my lamb last year, but I think he will weigh more and impress the judge as long as I put the work into him. I can't wait to see how well George does at the fair. I have a lot of work to do.

George Comes Home

On April Fool's Day, Mom, my brother Walter, and I went out to the Casey's farm to pick out a lamb. I chose George because he showed exceptional qualities, even though he cost a little more than I had expected.