Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fair Is Almost Over!

Today is the last day of fair. My family and I are going camping today to take my mind off George. Its been a good year and I cant wait till I buy my next lamb so I can take my lamb on walks again. Thanks to all the people who read my blog this year and gave me support. Also I want to thank the people who raised the price by bidding I’m very happy with what I got. Goodbye George.

Junior Livestock Auction

Yesterday I sold my lamb for $7.00 a lb. and he weighed 141lbs. So yesterday I made about a thousand big ones. Thanks to whoever added on the $100. I’m saving that towards feed for next year. Chaparral Business Machines purchased my lamb yesterday and I want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Cagliero who own the business.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sheep Showmanship

I participated in Sheep Showmanship today. I did not place which really bummed me out because of all the practice and hard work George and I did. Mom and Dad said I should be proud of what I've done and that my effort is what matters. George and I will see you at the Junior Livestock Auction on Saturday.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Market Lamb Show

Today, (July 27, 2010) George and I showed in the Market Lamb Show. George didn’t place. It was a big class, and the judge seemed to be looking for lambs that had a lot of Hampshire qualities and George is exhibiting a lot of Suffolk features. He was the tallest one in our class. The judge said that he liked George’s loin and side cuts. I was kind of bummed, but you never know what a judge is going to prefer in a lamb and I still get to participate in the Junior Livestock Auction on Saturday. Thursday, I will be showing in Sheep Showmanship where the judge will be looking for my showmanship abilities.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Offical Weigh In

Today (July 26th) was a busy day. We arrived at the fair at 7:00am and fed our lambs and cleaned their pens. We then had to wait about three hours until our group was called to officially weigh our lambs in. George weighed 141 lbs. We meet back again at 3:30 and washed and sheared our lambs. I fed George and then we finally went home around 7:00pm. I’m tired but back to the fair tomorrow at 6:30 am for Market Showmanship.

Quiz Jam

Last night, July 25th, I participated in the Farm Supply annual Quiz Jam. It is a competition to see what team of 4-H and FFA kids can complete a series of tasks found on a farm the fastest. This years completion included, saddling and placing a halter on a horse, giving an injection, put in an ear tag, and castrating a pretend bull, changing a tractor tire and identifying parts, moving four bales of straw, roping a steer head, and identifying tools and various animals. It was kind of fun, but the wait was long. We did fine, and I think I would like to do it again next year.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Fair Is Here!

George and I are at the California Mid-State Fair. Come look at him in the lamb barn. We are located at the far right hand side of the barns near the main grandstand. Look for Templeton 4-H Club. George is in the only pen with three lambs. Hope to see you there!